Stoney Trail Over The Bow River
A City of Calgary approved Government of Alberta capital project to improve the Ring Road infrastructure for
highway commuters, travelers, and supply chain traffic. This major project will replace the eastbound bridge,
widen the westbound bridge, and build a new pedestrian bridge over the Bow River in southeast Calgary. Upon
completion, there will be four lanes in each direction to handle the growth of the city and welcome its visitors.
Bow Mark undertook work on this active highway corridor to make these improvements to the flow of traffic
over the Bow River and was successful in various aspects of the project such as the redirection of traffic flow,
grading, adding the granular base course, continuous pour medians,and non-stop Echelon Paving with no cold
seams where two pavers layasphalt adjacent to each other, to remove any longitudinal joints, as well as other
infrastructure work within the 5km construction zone.
Major Projects Alberta
West Calgary Ring Road
The completed Calgary Ring Road provides more than 100 kilometres (km) of free-flow travel around the city,
improving access to hospitals, schools, workplaces, and recreation, and reducing congestion within the city.
The West section connecting Trans-Canada Highway 1 to the Banff By-Pass ring road around the city, getting
the public and shipping traffic moving westward towards the Banff pass corridor or the eastbound traffic coming
into the city with faster access to key spots such as the Calgary International Airport YYC.
Bow Mark added infrastructure works to maintain the design-build plans for the Government of Alberta and
the City of Calgary, met timelines, and minimized impacts to the public. Bow Marks role included all the machine
placed single slope barrier wall, curbs, sidewalks and traffic circles with over 20km of structure along the construction
zoneof the 6 and 8 lane divided freeway. The reconstruction of parts of Highway 1 and Valley Ridge Boulevard NW,
and two interchanges were key items in the project.
West Calgary Ring Road
Major Projects Alberta
North Central BRT
City of Calgary future transition to the Green Line LRT (Light Rail Transit) 'Park and Ride' Lot project for the BRT
(Bus Rapid Transit) at the North Pointe Park and Ride, gives transit easier access and rideability thanks to the improvements
in Country Hills Village.
Bow Mark was the General Contractor in the project and oversaw all aspects of the site works. We successfully added value
to the city of Calgaryinaverytightprojectscheduleby completing on schedule and within scope of the project. Work was
completed on concrete, asphalt, storm drainage and electrical along with retaining walls, landscaping, and signage. Delivering
a positive infrastructure experience for transit riders commute from home to city centre or wherever their journey takes them.
City Article
Downtown Flood Barrier
The Bow River Flood Barrier project is a major milestone for Downtown Calgary and the Eau Claire area that include flood
barriers and stormwater improvements to reduce the area’s exposure to flood damages along the 1.39km riverfront. The
work was designed to fit with the vision of the Eau Claire public realm plan connecting neighborhoods, for safe, efficient,
and beautiful riverfront pathway connections such as the Centre Street Pedestrian Ramps and Jaipur Bridge that are now
fully open to the public.
Bow Mark was part of the Bow River barrier project in the infrastructure of the continuous 1.39km long structure consisting
of steel sheet piles, earthen berms, architectural colored and patterned concrete walkways, curb and barrier work, asphalt
pathways and vehicle paving areas,concretewallswith access points having demountable stop log openings, all built to reduce
a 1:200-year flood event by more than 50 percent to the downtown core.
City of Calgary Newsroom
Calgary Planning Projects
Construct Connect
CTV News Calgary